Working as a teacher at DMM Eikaiwa

Working as a teacher at DMM Eikaiwa

I am going to be short and blunt this time. I am preparing my essay and it will criticize DMM Eikaiwa and their management.
I am still employed by them, but as a trained ESL teacher I have to express my dissatisfaction somehow.
I feel sorry for both the students and the teachers. First ones think they are doing fine while they are actually doing nothing, and not advancing the way they should. The teachers are sanctioned unjustly when the students are not satisfied for any reason, both valid and invalid. More of this yet to come. I have to speak up, because there is nothing else that I can do but to rant and hope that someone is going to hear me and support me.

24 thoughts on “Working as a teacher at DMM Eikaiwa

  1. The worst trainer I have encountered my entire life. The purpose of my demo lesson was defeated as I wasn’t able to show my ability as a teacher. The “student”/ Trainor bullied me from the start and worse yet was the tone of voice employed. She was practically shouting at me and the most unethical display of character was when she hanged up on me. That attitude is very UN- Japanese and they are destroying the image of the Japanese people. We might think that is how rude and unethical they are. The trainer is not fitted to be one.

  2. We’ll I truly agree here. They favor the students so much. They should also hear out the teachers side. I’m still employed but quitting soon. Salary never increase even if u r good and the unjust deductions are too much.

    • I totally agree with you. Even if it is the student’s stupidity, even if students are the ones who are not oriented enough with the material, even if its not the teachers fault, they are still on the students side. Every complaint is always teachers fault. Very very biased.

  3. I work here as well and so far I’m liking it (been here for 6 months). I’m wondering if anyone here can answer my question: I know there is a strict rule that says we are not allowed to contact any students outside of the lesson times or on social media. But I have a student who has become very close to me since I started and wants to contact me outside because I will go to Japan soon and the student wants to meet me. I feel like there is nothing wrong with this and I’d be happy to meet my student. Will DMM Eikaiwa really find out if I contact my student outside?

    • Nope. They wouldn’t know if the student including you won’t tell the management ofcourse. DMM is too busy and stupid implementing stricter rules and sanctions. lol. So don’t worry, be happy. Tell me about your meet up. hehe

    • I work as CS for DMM Eikaiwa. Most of the time they do not find out and they don’t really care to. Just make sure to use our personal Skype and that student is ok with it

    • Of course you can contact them……..The only reason that they don’t want you to contact them is they fear you’ll develop a relationship and cut their profit out………….Hello>…………They can’t tell you who you can talk to….they’re just control freaks and that’s all there is to it……. They know that they are nothing more than the middle man of the business…..Do your thing……

  4. I can not agree more. I used to work for Engoo as a customer service, and as English majoring student, I myself was sickened by keep making excuses for the whole in the system. I felt sorry for the users as they did not see how Engoo (DMM Eikaiwa) fails to provide English crucial basics and most important grammar points. I do agree that studying there really improves both listening and speaking skills. However, regarding learning English the correct way, and to improve to become advanced level, it may be impossible.

    • Hi Hailey, you used to work for Engoo as CS. Based on my experience some Engoo students aren’t real students they are pretending to be students. I think they are also Engoo staffs. Am i right?

      • Exactly, I used to be CS and i was given a free account to “experience the service” how people put it. However, we were not allowed to tell that we are CS staff because the teachers were being “quality-checked”.

    • Hi Hailey – I had taken a break from my career and would like to pursue english teaching career, and thought DMM would be a good place to start as suggested by a friend, as I do not have any teaching certificates. Would you suggest that or do you have other suggestions? Thank you!

      All suggestions welcome!

      • Hi, DMM is a good way to start – that is correct. But from my personal experience it would be better if you were able to find a student to tutor. DMM is a great way for you to learn how to “deal” with students, but you won’t have the pleasure of actually seeing your students improve and learn. I have taken a few DMM Eikaiwa classes but they are only 25 minutes long. That is ok if you are only teaching speaking skills, but not so much if you are actually trying to teach a proper grammar point.

        I wouldn’t necessarily recommend DMM as your starting point but it might get you a view of what you actually have as a advantage compared to online institutions. I hope this comment more or less helped. Good luck becoming a teacher!

  5. Hi! I just want to know if any of the teachers had some problems if they move from DMM to another online school? There is a rule that when you stop working on DMM you are not allowed to work for another online school until one year passed. I want to know your experiences.

    • I don’t think that’s true. Actually I have tried to apply for 1talk while I’m still working in DMM (secretly though). You can be hired immediately.

  6. I am also a worker of DMM Eikaiwa. I agree that the sanctions for teacher are too much. If you are to complain, they won’t do anything about it. I think it’s better if you just work in DMM and if you have a lot of close students, you can have your own private tutorial. Maybe it has a better income than in DMM. Hehe 😛

  7. Hello teachers, DMM eikaiwa will know you will meet up with their students. You might not know all classes are recorded and students can watch and listen to your classes LIVE! I knew it and all I have said are true. I t was based on my experience. I am close to my students and i have regular students. Some of my students I have been teaching them now for almost a year and some of them half a year. They know all my lesson to other students because they were watching it or listening to my lessons live and also they recorded all the lessons. Maybe some of you won’t believe me but i am telling the truth.

    • @Orange. Maybe DMM tested you. But these days they don’t give a damn about everything. I know. Coz until now I am working for them and there are secrets that they don’t know regarding some teachers and students. It was just unfortunate that they’ve tested you. haha.

  8. I’m working in DMM Eikaiwa and I agree to you guys. There was an incident that the parent shouted at me just because I didn’t reach them on time. Trouble was, I couldn’t reach them since they were ffline. Lol still my fault? Ugh.

  9. Hi Orange,

    I had taken a break from my career and would like to pursue english teaching career, and thought DMM would be a good place to start as suggested by a friend, as I do not have any teaching certificates. Would you suggest that or do you have other suggestions? Thank you!

    All suggestions welcome!

    • I did the same thing last year. I shifted careers and started with DMM Eikaiwa. I can say that yes, it’s a good place to start. I only stayed there fore a few months though. Yet being with DMM Eikaiwa gave me an idea how to come up with structured sessions.

  10. One of the worst companies to work with. Try Italki or 51talk. They are much better. You get penalized for some petty things. Everything on the teachers’ side is unjust. I worked with both Engoo/DMM Eikaiwa for 3 months and it was a total disaster. It’s a waste of time. Good luck to whoever who wants to try it.

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